Showing posts with label differnt type of raw material and method of transportation of raw material... Show all posts
Showing posts with label differnt type of raw material and method of transportation of raw material... Show all posts


Raw material is the basic foundation of every product in every industry from where the production start. In textile industry fiber is the basic raw material in any textile industry and these are divided into four classes viz. animals, vegetable, mineral, and artificial fibers.

Animal fiber :  These fiber are hair , wool and silk. Physically, hair and wool belong to same class,but are having different thickness and properties and only wool is used as textile raw material.

Vegetable fiber : These type of fiber are divide into three sub category and these category are following :-

Seed hair(cotton )  , Bast fiber(Flax, Hemp,Jute,Ramie) , Foliaceous fiber.

Mineral fiber : These type of fiber is tough, flexible, and long and is suitable for making 'brattice' cloth and mixing in with wool for building and roofing felts.

Artificial Fiber : These means that are manufactured or made form polyamides , polyester and other synthetic materials .

different fiber in one image

now, it not compulsory  that these all fiber should be used for making textile product its mainly depend upon the market demand if the market is having a good demand of cotton product then the industry will focus more on the cotton product and if market want more blended product then they will produce more blended product .

now, the next question which arise is that how the raw material is transported to industry so, the answer is that a highly compressed bale of ginned cotton (means the cotton fiber are removed from seed)..In next post  we will discuss about the ginning process and all .