Textile Testing Quiz 4.1

This quiz contains multiple choice question related to Evenness testing in textile testing. Each question is on 1 mark each and no negative marking and its free of cost so, practice and check your knowledge 👍. (click on read more below)

Textile Testing Quiz 4

This quiz contains multiple choice question related to Evenness testing in textile testing. Each question is on 1 mark each and no negative marking and its free of cost so, practice and check your knowledge 👍. (click on read more below)

Textile Fractional cover and Cover factor (with its derivation)

Cover factor is a logical estimation of the percentage area of the fabric covered by the yarns and fiber. 

d = diameter
d/2 = radius

Fractional cover = d/p

Assumption :-

1. Diameter of yarn is uniform (i.e circular in cross section.)

2. Maximum cover factor is 28.

3. Yarn are lying in same plane

Fractional cover = Area covered by yarn /total area

d = 1/28√Ne 

p = 1/N

F.C = (1/28√ne ) X (1/N)

F.C = N/28√Ne